ESSENTIALS™ Helicopter Buffer Beads are manufactured with a durable and compliant rubber Elastomer.
A key piece of terminal tackle for any Helicopter rig setup, Heli buffer beads can be used to protect any knots or splices from damage whilst also covering the final few millimetres of a lead free, Leadcore, fused, Nylon and Fluorcarbon Leaders and their Lead connection.
Can also be used as part of a simple Running Rig setup when seated over one of our Three Essentials™ Size 8 Swivels when connecting the Rig to the mainline. Use with a short length of tubing, firmly located inside the Buffer bead to prevent any damage to the mainline by the Lead.
Essentials™ Heli Buffer Beads fit Size 8 Swivels and Speed Links, securely.
Available in both trans Khaki and trans Green tints.
Supplied in packs of 8