Hook Size
Bait mounting
Shank stops & Shrink tube
All the components you need to create incredibly effective Ronnie/Spinner rigs in one convenient terminal tackle bundle comprised of our ultra sharp and highly regarded Duropoint® Curve shank hooks and Essentials™ terminal tackle.
Each kit includes;
1 x Pack of Duropoint® Curve shank hooks (Micro Barbed or Barbless) (10pcs)
1 x Pack of Essentials™ Size 11 Spinner ring swivels (10pcs)
1 x Pack of Essentials™ Translucent tinted Shrink tubing (6pcs)
1 x Pack of your chosen Essentials™ bait mounting option (10pcs)
1 x Pack of Essentials™ Shank stops (10pcs)
Does not Include: Hooklink material or Counter weight.